
Miandrivazo is a village in the RN34 half-road from Antsirabe to Morondava; Tananarive 400km (7 hours of asphalt road)

The tributary of the Tsiribihina, « The Mahajilo » borders the small town of Miandrivazo and at the East the hill of Bongolava and at West the trays of Bemaraha. It is one of the hottest town in Madagascar (about 28°C, 100 meters of altitude)

The hotel is at 1Km of the town (coming from Antsirabe, at the entrance of the town, the Galana station, take left and drive 1Km and the hotel will be at the right of the national road)


Miandrivazo is the kingdom of the Sakalava country :
The history says, the king (Merina) Radama I was waiting for the Rasalimo princess (future wife), daughter of the Ramitraho during her campaign against the Sakalava country, as an alliance with this kingdom.


  • Station of Taxi Brousse to Tananarive, Antsirabe or Morondava
  • Station Service (GALANA)
  • Transportation by rickshaw and tuc tuc
  • A bank with an ATM
  • All phone operators services available in town
  • Market
  • Police office, Pharmacy, Hospital, Nurse

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